Our team
We are a team of real estate specialists, datascience- and AI-experts, business developers, data analists and software developers. We work together on innovative products for the real estate market.

Nienke Doorenspleet
Business DeveloperElke 'nee' brengt je dichter bij een 'ja'.

Nils Wassenaar
CTOBrainbay is a great place to work because of its exciting combination of software development, data science and machine learning - and this together with a young group of enthusiastic colleagues! What more could you ask for?

Tom Arendshorst
DevOps EngineerI love listening to music and creating music, happy to be a part of brainbay!

David Mintjes
New Business & Strategy LeadGreat to be part of brainbay where we are building products & services that unlock the value of data.

Jacob Velleman
Data Research SpecialistAlleen met goede data komen in de vastgoedsector de juiste beslissingen tot stand. Gaaf dat ik daar bij brainbay aan bij kan dragen!

Rick van Schalkwijk
Senior Software EngineerI love working with C# and .NET to build robust, secure, and highly scalable applications.

Maksym Strukov
Senior Software EngineerBreaking down complex, fancy, state of the art solutions into something simple which actually works :-)

Marco Uitendaal
Product Owner DistributionMet mijn analytische inslag ga ik altijd op zoek naar passende oplossingen voor onze klanten.

Matthijs Hofman
Product Owner WonenThuis in wonen

Steven Hommes
Senior Data ScientistWe zijn een energiek en informeel team waarin ik met veel plezier de AI-modellen ontwikkel.

Matteo Procaccini
Software EngineerThings that make me happy: beautiful code, more code, green builds, coffee, cats.

Floor Wijnen
Data ScientistYes, I’m pretty much always this happy.

Jetse Dijkstra
Business DevelopmentBetter an oops than a what if.

Lisette Goeree
Office Manager & CommunicatieVan facilitaire zaken tot het schrijven van teksten en alles daartussen houdt mij scherp.

Prathima Rachapudi
Front-end EngineerAlways curious to learn and build new experiences.

Hatice Yazici-Etci
Front-end EngineerI enjoy designing and developing front-end applications with which end users interact.

Paul Mertens
Junior Software EngineerI enjoy working with the team to provide fast and reliable services while I hone my skills as backend developer.

Rogier Weck
Senior Researcher
Bas Boelhouwers
CEOI’m proud to be part of a team that continuously innovates data driven products for the real estate market.

Britt Smeets
Project Manager DataThe combination of real estate knowledge and data skills gives endless insights. With real estate objects as a starting point we can make the search and insights on our data full circle.

Jeroen Albrechts
Data ScientistUncovering the secrets of real estate through the power of statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.