

Object-API grants real-time insight into the everchanging supply and transactions taking place on the property market.

Why connect to Brainbay’s API?

  • The database with the most extensive history.
  • The detailed level of data is incredibly high. There is an enormous diversity when it comes to search options and supply of specific information.
  • The database provides the latest on the property market, because Brainbay is the first to receive transaction details.
  • Brainbay’s team consists of data specialists and housing market experts.

Property database

As NVM’s subsidiary, Brainbay has access to the latest and most exhaustive property database available in the Netherlands. Brainbay is responsible for managing NVM’s database (MIDAS) and the exchange system known as Tiara. The Tiara Distribution Module (TDM) provides input for Funda, and it is connected to all certified office automation systems as well as various webmasters. As a result, Brainbay’s API is handling about 1,000,000 calls on a daily basis.

Brainbay’s API is available to NVM’s real estate agents and also to other parties under specific terms. With Brainbay being NVM’s subsidiary, external parties may only connect to Brainbay’s API under the correct terms. One of the main conditions is to be creating added value for NVM’s real estate agents. For instance, Brainbay’s API is available for software developers wanting to develop a service for NVM’s real estate agents.

Connected to
the Brainbay API

API Valuation Model and API Reference Module

In addition to Brainbay’s API, which allows you to access real-time property data, Brainbay also offers the API Valuation Model. Brainbay’s API Valuation Model grants you access to the most reliable and meticulous residential property valuations in the Netherlands. And at the moment, Brainbay’s API Reference Module is being worked on. Brainbay’s reference module generates the best references for each residential property in the Netherlands.

Confidental Infomation